Grant Park
Commonly referred to as Chicago's "Front Yard", Grant Park is the city's most prestigous park that has a rich history of evolution and transformation as a refelction of a changing city. Grant Park balances classical design features like the Buckingham Founation with contemparary and postmodern additions like Millenium Park.
Grant Park also serves as a stage for a variety of events playing host to Lollapalooza and the Taste of Chicago. The park is an outdoor gallery with more than two dozen sculptures found throughout its borders.. Grant Park also has a legacy of musical concerts since very early in the park's development.
The Chicago Chopin Foundation has worked closely with Bob O'Neill, president of the Grant Park Conservancy who has helped guide the project through the Chicago Park District's process of examining proposals about adding elements to Grant Park. In the fall of 2014, the Grant Park Enchancement has given official approval for the Chopin Garden project. This would not be possible without the help of the Grant Park Conservancy.
The Chopin Garden is an effort to add a new element to Grant Park. The monument of Chopin will be the first sculpture added to Grant Park in eight years since adjacent Agora. The Chopin Garden will beautify a landscape that has been neglected and largely forgotten. The Chopin Garden will revive this garden area located at Michigan Avenue and 11th Street. Not only will the Chopin Garden contribute to a diverse collection of sculpture that currently grace Grant Park but will also contribute to the vibrant musical programing that can be enjoyed at the park by anyone free of charge.